Facilitate a Healthy Community with amazing Social features.
Whether you run a small community group, medium business or large corporation, healthy social interaction is the key to growth and stability.
When people are engaged and feel safe, they flourish. When they flourish the community grows and the benefits reach far and wide. This might be as simple as new members, which can increase revenue, which can increase the original economic or social offering.
In a time when we are so oversaturated by unhealthy input, willingly or unwillingly, it is important to create healthy safe online spaces within a business or group culture.
These are our favourite features to help your business encourage connection :
2. Chat Spaces - with this feature you can create individual topic threads that can be followed and added to. Users can interact and connect. This tool gives users a dedicated space to discuss topics, ask questions or request information. Users can select to turn notifications on and off to receive tailored topic information & posts.
3. Journals - this feature allows your users to create personal diary/note book entries. These can be shared publicly or kept private and can include photos, notes, locations.
4. Push Notifications - let your community know about the goings on by sending push notifications. An independent message sent directly from your app to your users. These may be in the form of important news, events, specials - anything you need to share!
At ZOOhaus we are all about connecting people, customers, members, clients, friends, groups and communities. Chat with us about how we can help your business make an amazing impact.